Next-Level Agent Performance

Modern Feedback Strategies to Fuel Continuous Growth and Customer Service Excellence

Tired of feedback conversations that leave everyone feeling frustrated or misunderstood? Say goodbye to outdated feedback methods that diminish agent morale and hinder progress. Embrace a modern feedback approach that narrows the divide between managers and agents, cultivating a culture of continuous growth and peak performance.  

Join us for an exclusive session with Evolution Coach, Alicia Jabbar, and the experts at MaestroQA. Discover a modern method that turns feedback from a dreaded task into an empowering process where swift, ongoing feedback enables agents to evolve, excel, and exceed expectations every day. This workshop will arm you with the latest strategies for harnessing customer sentiment, providing you with instant, actionable insights that will elevate customer experiences and drive smarter, data-informed decisions.  

When: Available Now
Where: On-Demand



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Unlock the Potential of Your Team:

  • Cultivate a Feedback-Rich Culture: Establish an environment where feedback drives growth, collaboration, and efficiency, not fear.
  • Master Confident Feedback Delivery: Learn a framework that ensures feedback is clear, confidence-boosting, and constructive.
  • Embrace the Continuous Feedback Revolution: Transition to a system of instant, ongoing feedback, fostering resilience and adaptability among your agents. 
  • Empowerment Through Insights: Use real-time customer interaction insights for immediate feedback and coaching, promoting continuous improvement.
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Alicia Jabbar

Alicia Jabbar – Executive Coach and Facilitator, Evolution

Alicia Jabbar, PCC, CPCC, is an executive leadership coach who has coached more than 2000 hours since 2015. She coaches individuals who sit on the outside of what is known, valued, or understood in the places they live and work. Through their work together, clients uncover how to increase their leadership capacity by including all of who they are. Her clients included top-tier technology companies, including Facebook, Google, Pinterest, Twitter, Yahoo, and Amazon.

Dan Rorke

Dan Rorke – Customer Success Manager, MaestroQA

Dan is a Customer Success Manager for MaestroQA. He provides strategic recommendations and guidance to customers on coaching and quality best practices.